lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Not based on true story.

Three years ago my boyfriend broke up with me, he just did it, without any reasonable reason that supported this decision. Of course he did not give me any explanation, not even an excuse, he only gave me back a couple of romantic pictures where we smiled together among two trees in blom, and then he bade me farewell.

This fact made me crying for several days, actually I spent at least a month staying in during the weekend. To be honest, my only purpose was trying to forget him and all the experiences we shared. However, this behavior drove me in the deepest depression I have ever lived.

After this dreadful nightmare, one sunday very early in the morning I went out to take a walk. At daybreak, I realized that everything in this world takes its cours. No matter how hard could it seem, but animals look for their food, also flowers grow up to find a ray of light, so I understood I should do the same. Furthermore, I do not think anybody in this world deserves too many tears from me.

In conclusion, I have learn to attach importance to things in life in fair measure, specially if they make me feel bad. Regarding sentimental relations ... I just assume that sometimes they work and sometimes don’t. In short, it is not worth it to waste my time crying or wondering what could have happened but never did.



Blogger CevO ha dicho ...

Hey Rose, homework again? Good thing I can respond in English, so I am not out of my linguistic league as usual ;)

Glad this is not a true story, since it is rather sad. Or is it?

FWIW, your conclusion is correct, I believe. Although crying is not always a waste of time. Imagine what the world would be like if people never cried. It would be a pretty ruthless place now, wouldn't it?

Falling in love is being touched by an angel from heaven. Falling out of love is being trampled on by her evil twin sister. Or brother, if you like. But please do not tell me you wish to ignore the beauty of the one, or the cruelty of the other. It's not the way I believe you really are.

Un abrazo!

martes, noviembre 10, 2009 9:13:00 p. m.  
Blogger perla ha dicho ...

Hey man, nice to see you again!
"Falling in love is being touched by an angel from heaven. Falling out of love is being trampled on by her evil twin sister. Or brother, if you like. But please do not tell me you wish to ignore the beauty of the one, or the cruelty of the other. It's not the way I believe you really are."
You know me pretty well ... if we ignore life we lose it !

Of course crying is one of the essences of this world ... the good ones I mean !

martes, noviembre 17, 2009 7:30:00 p. m.  

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